Brief Biography
Born in México City, México. He received his Engineering degree in Computer Science in 1989 and Master degree on Applied Informatics with specialization in information systems in 2010, both, by ITESO. He has worked in financial institutions in the department of information technology as systems analyst, project leader and development manager. He has worked as a consultant to business and industry. For seven years he was director of information technology and strategic planning coordinator at a public research center belonging to the National Council on Science and Technology of México (CONACYT). He specializes in implementing enterprise information systems and information technology aligned with the mission and vision of business. PhD in Information Technology student at the University of Guadalajara, CUCEA, Department of Information Technology, specializing in modeling and simulation.
PhD Thesis
Title: “Simulation model for the ERP selection process using a computational intelligence technique for improving implementation success based on an empirical study".
Director: Dr. Juan Carlos González Castolo.
Abstract. The implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) is one of the most important projects on business optimization than an enterprise could attempt. Their use can be seen at all kind of enterprises. The failure rate keeps high, between 40% and 70%, and the money wasted is enormous. This research presents results from an empirical study applied to businesses in Guadalajara, México regarding selection and implementation processes, identifying some of the variables involved and their relations. Also, it looks for a computational intelligence model that could help on the selection process.
- Use of artificial intelligence paradigms to model ERP system selection process based on results of empirical studies applied in Guadalajara Mexico (1ST),2015,DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3972.2644
- An empirical study in selecting Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: The relation between some of the variables involve on it. Size and Investment (1ST),2012,DOI: 10.1016/j.protcy.2012.03.032
- A review on Enterprise Resource Planning System Selection Process (1ST),2011
- Sistema de Enseñanza en Matemáticas Básicas en el Tercer Año de Primaria para Niños con Problemas de Aprendizaje / A.A. Pacheco Cómer.,2010
- Multi Agents System for Enterprise Resource Planning selection process using distributed computing architecture (1ST),2011,DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4584.7928
- Methodological proposal to implement enterprise resource planning systems (1ST),2011,DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1935.0162
Research Areas
- Enterprise Systems
- Information Systems
- Models and simulations
Relevant web sites
- Enterprise resource planning catalog:
- Enterprise resource planning at Spain:
- Independent consulter firm:
- “Multi Agents System for Enterprise Resource Planning selection process using distributed computing architecture”. More than Research Conference Proceedings ISUM 2011, Volume 2, Universidad de Guadalajara, 2011.
- “A review on Enterprise Resource Planning System Selection Process”. Research in Computing Science: Advances in Computing Science and Electronics Systems, Volume 52, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 2011.
- ”Methodological proposal to implement enterprise resource planning systems”. AMCIS 2011 Proceedings, Associations for Information Systems Electronic Library (AISeL), 2011.
Participation in Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
- International Supercomputing Conference In Mexico (ISUM), March 23th, 2011, San Luis Potosí, Consejo Nacional de Supercómputo (CNS), “Multi Agents System for Enterprise Resource Planning selection process using distributed computing architecture”.
- Iberoamerican Conference on Electronics Engineering and Computer Science (CIIECC 2011), April 15th, 2011, Aguascalientes, Universidad Panamericana (UPN), “A review on Enterprise Resource Planning System Selection Process”.
- Americas Conference in Information System (AMCIS), August 6th, 2011, Detroit, USA, Association for Information Systems (AIS),” Methodological proposal to implement enterprise resource planning systems”.