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Tomás Octavio Oceguera Becerra


Brief Biography

Tomás Octavio Oceguera-Becerra obtained the MSc degree in Teaching of Mathematics (2009-2010) from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara (UAG). He is graduated in Physics (2000-2005). He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Information Technology (2012-2015) from the University of Guadalajara (UDG), Mexico. His main research areas are Nuclear and Particle Physics Simulation. His research focus is contribute to the installation and calibration of the gamma ray detector High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) from its initial stages, through simulations the performance of the instrument and analysis of data, making corrections to the data of interest and study the Crab Nebula and the galaxy M87 to compare models with observations and narrow energy range of detection. For planning instrument, the student will generate data using Monte Carlo techniques and perform simulations of the detector performance at various stages (including HAWC30) These simulations are based on the interaction of ionizing radiation with matter. Tomás has worked in institutions such as UDG, CETI. He has participated in national and international events.


PhD Thesis

Title: On detector calibration and characterization “High Altitude Water Cerenkov (HAWC)” in the phase HAWC100.

Abstract. The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory is a TeV gamma ray detector currently under construction at Sierra Negra in Mexico. HAWC will utilize the wide-angle, high duty cycle water Cherenkov technique developed by Milagro, but use new technology, a larger detection area, and higher altitude to improve sensitivity by an order of magnitude. HAWC will survey the TeV gamma ray sky, measure spectra of galactic sources up to and beyond 100 TeV, and map galactic diffuse gamma ray emission. With its wide field of view and continuous operation, HAWC will also be a powerful instrument with which to study transient phenomena. HAWC will have significant overlap with space and ground-based detectors like NASA-FERMI, MAGIC, HESS, AUGER and ICECUBE. The amount of information will be handled in the order of Peta-bytes, so for processing and storage technologies are used characteristic of high performance computing (parallel processing, multi-threads). The student will contribute through simulations the performance of the instrument and analysis of data obtained by Monte Carlo techniques and simulate the performance of the detector at various stages. Will generate cascades of product particles from collisions of cosmic rays with the atmosphere. These simulations will be compared with data taken with the HAWC30 to start the installation phase HAWC100. Will develop models of noise and will subtracting this method as background noise to the signal recorded by HAWC. 


Research Areas

  • High Energy Astrophysics and Astroparticles.

Relevant web sites



  • High Altitude Water Cerenkov (HAWC).



Publications in review

  • A.U. Abeysekara et al., On the sensitivity of the HAWC observatory to gamma-ray bursts, Astropart. Phys.,Vol. 35, Issue 10, pp. 641-650 (2012).


  • Workshop of innovation and trends in information technologies, directed by Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), 07-09 March, 2012, México.
  • Participation in the XI Summer School in Mathematics Institute of Mathematics, Unit Morelia (2010).
  • Refresher course for teachers in Computing, directed by Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), 2009, Mexico 
  • Course Planning, Development and Evaluation of Teaching, directed by Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG), 2008, México.
  • Management Course in Computer Systems. CNI (1998).
Titulo Educativo: 