Brief Biography
PhD Thesis
Abstract: Networked Virtual Reality technologies can help communities and companies of geographically distant users to collaborate in richer interactive environments. This project proposes a distributed architecture to support massively multi-user virtual reality environments providing interactive objects to handle collaborative actions among communities of users. The virtual environments developed under the DVRMedia2 framework aims to support better interaction based in peer to peer (P2P) networking technologies. To get that support, the virtual worlds are divided in regions related to the 3D environment and creating partitions of the network managing each region. The Voronoi diagrams are a strategy to connect regions and place load-balancing algorithms on each network partition to reduce the use of network bandwidth. A problem that could be present in this architecture is that each peer or user contributes to the system and some of them must have more responsibilities to manage regions, then if a peer managing a region is disconnected, the system should identify other peer to transfer the necessary data to delegate the region management in a peer’s partition.
Research Areas
- Distributed Virtual Reality and Serious Games.
Relevant web sites
- Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2008: San Diego CA, USA, 8-12 Nov 2008, (CSCW 2008).
- XXIII National Conference and IX International Conference on Informatics and Computing, ANIEI: Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México. October 13, 14, and 15, 2010.
- ISUM 2011: San Luis Potosí, México, March 23, 2011.
Participation in Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
- Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2008: San Diego CA, USA, 8-12 Nov 2008, (CSCW 2008).
- XXIII National Conference and IX International Conference on Informatics and Computing, ANIEI: Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México. October 13, 14, and 15, 2010.
- ISUM 2011: San Luis Potosí, México, March 23, 2011.
- Java programming, (10 hrs by semester), May 2005 until today.
- Basics of computer systems and training in applications as for example Access and Excel (4hrs. by week), 2003 until today.