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Ana Rosa Jimenez Meza


Brief Biography

Ana Rosa received her M.S. in Learning Technologies, a Certificate in Information and Communication Technologies for Self-directed learning and a B.S. in Informatics from the University Of Guadalajara, Mexico. She also received an International M.S. in Instructional Design from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya , Spain.
Since November 2000, she holds an Administrative position at the University of Guadalajara, where she has worked in areas such as computer support, consulting, and computer systems maintenance. Since 2003 she holds an Academic position as subject teacher on-campus and virtual environments in Computational Areas in the University of Guadalajara.
A. Jimenez-Meza is also an IEEE member for 4 years and an ACM member for 4 years.


PhD Thesis

Title: "Stochastic characterization of Urban Street Segments using GPS-Data and the Two-Fluid Traffic Model"

Director: Dr. Jesús Arámburo Lizárraga

Abstract. The Two-Fluid Theory applied to vehicular traffic flow explains the vehicular traffic as a combination among stopped and running vehicles, called “Two-Fluid traffic Model”, which has been used to evaluate the operational traffic performance on urban networks.  This model relates two parameters: the level of interaction among vehicles (n) and the “free-flow” travel time (Tm-minimum travel time). These parameters are influenced by static (city topology) and dynamic data gathered in Real-Time (incidents) and hour of the trip. The proposal of this research is to provide a formal model to calculate these parameters to characterize individual street segments based on GPS-Data collected from smartphones. The street segment characterization includes 2 stages: The analysis of GPS-Data traces and the implementation of the Two-Fluid Traffic Model over street segments. The first stage analyzes GPS-Data traces for Estimating Travel Time, Distance, Speed, and Street Segment Level Of Service (LOS). The second stage is focused on the application of the proposed model to characterize street segments with the Two-Fluid Traffic Model parameters (n and Tm). The ergodic principle embedded in the Two-Fluid Model has been used to calibrate the initial segment conditions; this means that GPS-Data taken from one probe vehicle can be used to characterize the vehicular traffic performance over the analyzed segments. As a case of study, the main routes of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara have been selected as a laboratory to characterize street segments with a LOS and its corresponding Two-Fluid parameters (n and Tm). This paper suggests that a stochastic traffic flow model applied to individual segments of an urban traffic network might help to characterize street segments with a LOS and the parameters n and TM as alternate street segment values to find   the optimal and alternate routes to travel from one point to another.  


Research Areas

  • Intelligent Transportation Systems, Information Analysis, Data Mining, Traffic Flow Models, GPS Data Analysis, Smart Cities.

Relevant web sites

  1. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies
  2. IBM Project. “Intelligent Transport: How cities can improve mobility," English Version. Spanish Version.
  3. Smart Cities (
  5. OpenStreet Map (
  6. Microsoft Research (
  7. GPS Visualizer (


  1. Smart Traffic for Guadalajara City, Mexico: Collaborative effort between University of Guadalajara and IBM in the aim of Smart Cities.
  2. Development of a Framework for GPS-Data traces Analysis and street segment characterization.
  3. Development of a Formal Model to characterize street segments with a Delay Time Index.
  4. Development of a Formal Model to characterize street segments with the Two-Fluid Traffic Model parameters.  

Memberships and Professional Associations  

  1. WESO, Web Semantic Oviedo group, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain, March, 2010 – Present.
  2. IAOA, The International Association for Ontology and its Applications, January, 2010 - Present.
  3. ACM, Association for Computing Machinery, July, 1997 - Present.
  4. IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, July, 2008 - Present.


  1. Victor M. Larios-Rosillo, Laura Torres-López, José G. Robledo-Hernández, Leopoldo Gómez-Barba, J. Arámburo-Lizárraga, A. Jiménez-Meza. TUI Traffic: Smart Traffic project for Guadalajara City in Regional Technical Exchange (RTE) 2012 IBM Technological Campus Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. August 14, 2012.
  2. A. Jimenez-Meza, C. López-Martín, “Setting up a formal requirement methodology to support the smart traffic project development in mobile devices”.  PhD. in Information technologies, University of Guadalajara., UDG-IBM Smart Cities Deep Dive Workshop, September 15th 2011.

Participation in Conferences, Seminars and Workshops

  1. A. Jimenez-Meza, J. Arámburo-Lizárraga, E. de la Fuente. (December 12-13, 2012). “Developing a Delay Time index considering the Two-Fluid Traffic Model”.11th Workshop in Information Technologies (WIT11), CUCEA, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
  2. A. Jimenez-Meza, . Arámburo-Lizárraga. (June 7-8, 2012). “Framework to estimate travel time, distance and speed, based on GPS-Data: A case of study of Beijing, China” 10th Workshop in Information Technologies (WIT10), CUCEA, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
  3. A. Jimenez-Meza (December 7 - 8, 2011) “Formal Model for Software Requirements Specification based on GPS-Data to preserve data privacy” 9th Workshop in Information Technologies (WIT9), CUCEA, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
  4. A. Jimenez-Meza, C. López-Martín, (June 7-9, 2011). “Formal Methods applied to Model Real-Time Traffic Flow Information” 8th Workshop in Information Technologies (WIT8), CUCEA, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
  5. A. Jimenez-Meza, C. López-Martín, (December 7-8, 2010). “Systematic Review of Formal Specifications Techniques in Requirements Engineering”. 7th Workshop in Information Technologies (WIT7), CUCEA, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
  6. A. Jimenez-Meza, C. López-Martín,  (June 1-2 2010.  “Formal Model For Software Requirements Specification applied to Embedded Systems: From Structured Analysis to Petri Nets”. 6th Workshop in Information Technologies (WIT6), IBM Guadalajara Campus, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
  7. A. Jimenez-Meza C. López-Martín, (December 7-8, 2009). “Formal Model For Software Requirements Specifications” (WIT5), CUCEA, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.


  • A. Jimenez-Meza. Systems Analysis and Design II. Licenciatura en Sistemas de Información CUCEA, Universidad de Guadalajara, México. (Calendars 2011A, 2011B, 2012A, 2012B)
  • A. Jimenez-Meza.  Module  XII. Optional "Computer". Programa de Nivelación a la Licenciatura en Trabajo social. CUCSH Universidad de Guadalajara, México.  calendars 2009B, 2010A, 2010B).
  • A. Jimenez-Meza.  Organization and Management of Information Units. Licenciatura en Tecnologías e Información. Sistema de Universidad Virtual, Universidad de Guadalajara, México (Calendars 2006B, 2007A).
  • A. Jimenez-Meza. Information Analysis I. Licenciatura en Tecnologías e Información. Sistema de Universidad Virtual, Universidad de Guadalajara, México (Calendar 2006A, 2006B, 2007A, 2007B).
  • A. Jimenez-Meza. Informatics and Computation. Licenciatura en Enfermería Semiescolarizada. CUCS. Universidad de Guadalajara, México (2003)


Master degree

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