Dra. Rocío Maciel Arellano.
Presitdent of the Academic Council.
Name | Position | Telephone | |
Dra. Rocío Maciel Arellano. | President of the Academic Council | +52(33)37-70-34-30 Ext. 25124 |
rmaciel@cucea.udg.mx |
Dra. Maria Elena Meda Campaña. | Member of the Academic Council | +52(33)37-70-33-00 Ext. 25118 |
emeda@cucea.udg.mx |
Dra. Sara Catalina Hernández Gallardo. | Member of the Academic Council | +52(33)37-70-33-00 Ext. 25720 |
shernandez@cucea.udg.mx |
Dra. Liliana Ibeth Barbosa Santillan. | Member of the Academic Council | +52(33)37-70-33-00 Ext. - |
ibarbosa@cucea.udg.mx |
Dr. Arturo Chavoya Pena | Member of the Academic Council | +52(33)37-70-33-00 Ext. - |
achavoya@cucea.udg.mx |
Dr. Victor Manuel Larios Rosillo | Member of the Academic Council | +52(33)37-70-33-00 Ext. - |
vmlarios@cucea.udg.mx |
Dr. Eduardo de la Fuente Acosta | Member of the Academic Council | +52(33)37-70-33-00 Ext. - |
edfuente@cucea.udg.mx |