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Eduardo De La Fuente Acosta


CVU Dr. Eduardo De La Fuente Acosta

Brief Biography 

Estudio la licenciatura de Física en la Universidad de Guadalajara en 1993-1997, la maestría en ciencias en Astronomía en la UNAM (1998-2003) y el doctorado en ciencias en Física por la Universidad de Guadalajara con una estancia predoctoral de 3 años en el Centro de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica de la UNAM, en Morelia (2004-2008). Realizo una estancia postdoctoral en el Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica en el periodo 2008-2009.

Actualmente es Profesor Investigador Titular A del Departamento de Física del CUCEI, miembro de la planta académica del doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información del CUCEA, miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores en el nivel I desde 2008, tiene perfil PROMEP, y ha impartido cátedras en distintas escuelas internacionales de Física y Astronomía en el mundo, en la carrera de Física del CUCEI, y en el doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información en CUCEA.

Hasta 2013 cuenta con 52 artículos se investigación de los cuales 20 han sido publicados en revistas indizadas de alto impacto, y 32 en memorias de congresos internacionales en extenso, con 234 citas. Ha publicado un libro especializado de Astrofísica, y es autor principal en un capitulo de otro sobre formación de estrellas.

Participa activamente en el proyecto binacional México-Estados Unidos "High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC)", representando a la Universidad de Guadalajara en este proyecto, desempeñándose como el Jefe Nacional de la red de cables en el mismo, y presentador del proyecto a través de ponencias invitadas en el mundo representando a la colaboración HAWC. Cabe destacar que HAWC es el observatorio de rayos gamma mas poderoso del mundo en su tipo, y desde 2009, el proyecto mas importante del país en el área de Física de Altas Energías.

Ha dirigido varias tesis de licenciatura, actualmente esta dirigiendo 2 tesis de postgrado, asesorando una de doctorado, y ha impartido varias platicas divulgativas de Astrofísica en el país.



  • Deep Optical Imaging of ESO 383–45: A Galaxy Undergoing Ram-pressure Stripping, or a Tidal Merger Remnant? (2nd).DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-71173-5_23 .(2007)
  • BVRI photometric analysis for the galaxy group NGC 4410 (4th).DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-71173-5_20 .(2007)
  • HAWC @ Mexico (17th).SN.(2007)


  • Observation of the Crab Nebula with the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory (25th).SN.(2017)
  • Search for TeV Gamma-Ray Emission from Point-like Sources in the Inner Galactic Plane with a Partial Configuration of the HAWC Observatory (24th).DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/817/1/3.(2015)
  • HAWC Contributions to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015) (26).SN.(2015)
  • Search for gamma-rays from the unusually bright GRB 130427A with the HAWC Gamma-ray Observatory (18th).DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/800/2/78.(2014)
  • Observation of Small-scale Anisotropy in the Arrival Direction Distribution of TeV Cosmic Rays with HAWC (21st).DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/796/2/108.(2014)
  • VAMOS: A pathfinder for the HAWC gamma-ray observatory (30th).DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2014.08.004 .(2014)
  • Milagro Limits and HAWC Sensitivity for the Rate-Density of Evaporating Primordial Black Holes (28th).DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2014.10.007 ·.(2014)
  • The Sensitivity of HAWC to High-Mass Dark Matter Annihilations (23rd).DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.122002.(2014)
  • Framework for Estimating Travel Time, Distance, Speed, and Street Segment Level of Service (LOS), based on GPS Data (3rd).DOI: 10.1016/j.protcy.2013.04.008.(2013)
  • The HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory: Design, Calibration, and Operation (23rd).SN.(2013)
  • The HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory: Dark Matter, Cosmology, and Fundamental Physics (23rd).SN.(2013)
  • The HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory: Observations of Cosmic Rays (23rd).SN.(2013)
  • The HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory: Sensitivity to Steady and Transient Sources of Gamma Rays (23rd).SN.(2013)
  • Sensitivity of the High Altitude Water Cherenkov Detector to Sources of Multi-TeV Gamma Rays (21st).DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2013.08.002.(2013)
  • PMS and ZAMS stars associated with the dark cloud LDN 1655 (4th).DOI: 10.1016/j.newast.2012.06.002.(2013)
  • The High Altitude Water Čerenkov (HAWC) TeV Gamma Ray Observatory (1st).DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-35410-6_32.(2013)
  • Optics and the mechanical system of the 62-cm telescope at the Severo Díaz Galindo Observatory in Guadalajara, Jalisco, México (1st).DOI: 10.1117/12.926509.(2012)
  • Spectral Optical Monitoring of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy Ark 564 (17th).DOI: 10.1088/0067-0049/202/1/10 .(2012)
  • On the sensitivity of the HAWC observatory to gamma-ray bursts (33rd).SN.(2012)
  • About pulsars dynamical evolution (3rd).SN.(2011)
  • On the sensitivity of the HAWC observatory to gamma-ray bursts (34th).DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2012.02.001 .(2011)
  • Numerical models for the 19th century outbursts of eta Carinae (7th).SN.(2011)
  • Insights Into the High-Energy Gamma-ray Emission of Markarian 501 from Extensive Multifrequency Observations in the Fermi Era (92nd).DOI: 10.17877/DE290R-4295 .(2010)
  • The Hot Molecular Core of G12.21-0.10: NH3(4, 4) Observations (1st).DOI: 10.1017/S1743921310003030.(2010)
  • Spectral optical monitoring of 3C 390.3 in 1995–2007 (14th).DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201016317.(2010)
  • Spectral optical monitoring of 3C390.3 in 1995-2007: I. Light curves and flux variation of the continuum and broad lines.DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201014118.(2010)
  • Revisiting 2D Numerical Models for the 19th century outbursts of $\eta$ Carinae (8th).DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.15950.x .(2009)
  • Optical characterization of the 62-cm telescope at the Severo Diaz Galindo Observatory in Guadalajara (2nd).DOI: 10.1117/12.849194.(2009)
  • The unusual interacting pair of galaxies IC 3481 and IC 3481A: An optical-NIR photometric and spectroscopic analysis (3rd).DOI: 10.1016/j.newast.2009.02.004.(2009)
  • Spitzer--IRAC Imagery and Photometry of Ultracompact HII Regions With Extended Emission (1st).SN.(2009)
  • A CCD Photometric and Morphological Study of the Extended Halo and Filaments of ESO 383-45: A Galaxy Undergoing Ram Pressure Stripping, or a Tidal Merger Remnant? (2nd).DOI: 10.1086/429269.(2008)
  • Lenticular galaxies in the process of evolution (4th).DOI: 10.1017/S1743921308017481.(2008)
  • The inner galactic structure traced by molecular clouds associated with ultra-compact hii regions (3rd).SN.(2008)
  • U Geminorum: A Test Case for Orbital Parameter Determination (2nd).DOI: 10.1086/518562 .(2007)
  • The Extended Emission of Ultracompact HII Regions: An Overview and New Observations (1st).DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-87621-4_26 .(2007)
  • The composite form of the supernova remnant 3C 400.2: Two interacting supernova remnants or a single supernova remnant with a blow-out? (2nd).SN.(2006)
  • Simulated X‐ray emission from a single‐explosion model for a supernova remnant 3C 400.2 (2nd).DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2006.10652.x.(2006)
  • H alpha Fabry-Perot Study in the Orion Nebula (M 42): Protoplanetary Disks (1st).SN.(2003)
  • Revista Mexicana de Astronoma y Astrofsica, 39, 127--137 (2003) (1).SN.(2003)
  • The Radial Velocity Profiles of some Proplyds in the Orion Nebula (4th).SN.(2003)
  • The Supernova Remnant 3C 400.2: Kinematics of its Ionized Gas and Theoretical Results (4th).SN.(2003)
  • Protoplanetary Disks in the Orion Nebula: An H$\alpha$ Fabry-Perot study and Astrobiological Aspects (1st).SN.(2002)
  • RevMexAA (Serie de Conferencias), 12, 93--93 (2002) (1st).SN.(2002)
  • Laser laboratory experiments, observations and numerical simulations of strong explosions (4th).SN.(2002)
  • An Halpha Radial Velocity Report of Five LV Proplyds in the Orion Nebula (1st).SN.(2002)
  • Is the supernova remnant 3c400.2 The result of a single supernova explosion? (1st).SN.(2002)
  • Optically thick giant H II regions with decreasing density gradients in three barred galaxies (2nd).SN.(2002)
  • Hα Fabry-Perot Study in the Orion Nebula (M 42): Protoplanetary Disks.SN.(2002)
  • Fabry-Perot kinematics of HH 202-204 in the orion nebula: Are they part of a big bipolar outflow? (3rd).SN.(2002)
  • RevMexAA (Serie de Conferencias), 10, 45--48 (2001) (6th).SN.(2002)
  • A single explosion model for the supernova remnant 3C 400.2 (1st).DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20011116.(2001)
  • Fabry-Perot Kinematics of HH 202, 203-204 in the Orion Nebula: Are they part of a Big Bipolar Outflow? (2nd).SN.(2001)
  • Kinematics of Herbig-Haro Objects and Jets in the Orion Nebula (2nd).DOI: 10.1086/323303 .(2001)
  • Pressure and density gradients in H II Regions (5th).DOI: 10.1023/A:1012779627430.(2001)
  • Decreasing density gradients in circumnuclear HII regions of barred galaxies NGC 1022, NGC 1326, and NGC 4314 (3rd).DOI: 10.1086/317189 .(2000)
  • Optically Thick HII Regions With Density Gradients in Barred Galaxies (1st).SN.(2000)
  • A New Deep North-West CCD Halpha Mosaic Images Of The Supernova Remnant 3C400.2 (1st).SN.(2000)
  • RevMexAA (Serie de Conferencias), 9, 177--180 (2000) (6th).SN.(2000)
  • Dusty UCH II Regions: cloud pressures and density distributions (6th).SN.(2000)
  • The effects of dust and density distributions in uc H II regions (3rd).SN.(2000)
  • A New Faint, Giant Halo in the Planetary Nebula NGC 7009 (2nd).SN.(1998)


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Ligas de interés:γ-ray-astronomy-1.14056

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