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César Alejandro García García


Brief Biography

César holds a BSc in Computer Science from Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Guadalajara and a MSc in Information Technologies from CUCEA, Universidad de Guadalajara. His MSc degree was obtained with the thesis “Use of Information Technologies in Assisted Living Environments”, describing different projects aiming to incorporate IT into smart homes designed for the elderly and people with special needs. He joined the PhD program under the direction of Dr. Victor Larios with the research topic of behavior modeling for virtual reality environments, working with the DVRMedia2 Framework.


PhD Thesis


Title: "Personality-driven behaviour modeling for artificial entities in serious games".


Abstract. Define a model of behavior for avatars in Serious Games;
Particular Objectives:Achieve different levels of behavior detail, Modular support to integrate different AI techniques to behave conveniently, Use of AI techniques (AI engine).


Research Areas


  • Modeling and Simulation.


Relevant web sites





  • DVRMedia2, PCP France-CONACYT.




  • César García-García, César Torres-Nabel, Victor Larios-Rosillo, and Hervé Luga. Towards a Behavioral Model for Personality-driven Artificial Humanoids in Serious Games. In Dimitri Plemenos, editor, 14th International Conference 3IA’2011, the International Conference in Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence, pages 131–136, May 2011.
  • García, C.; Larios, V; Luga, H. (2011). “High Performance Computing Architecture for a Massive Multiplayer Online Serious Game”. ISUM2011 2nd International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico, San Luís Potosí, Mexico, 2011.
  • García, C.; Torres, L.; Larios, V.; Luga, H. (2010). “A GOAP architecture for emergency evacuations in serious games”. GAME-ON 2010 11th International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, pages 10-12. Leicester, UK, 2010.
  • García, C.; Larios, V; Luga, H. (2010). “Crowd Behavior Modeling using High Performance Computing”. ISUM2010 1st International Supercomputing Conference in Mexico, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2010.
  • Sánchez, A.; Hannon, C.; García-Vázquez, JP; García C.; Ceballos, H.; Cetina, O. (2008). “Service Robots on a Smart Home Lab”. En Artificial Intelligence for Humans: Service Robots and Social Modeling. Sociedad Mexicana de Inteligencia Artificial, 2008, pp. 3-13.
  • García, Juan Pablo; Ceballos, Hector; Cetina, Omar; García, César. (2008). “Use of Ambient Displays for Elder Care in Assisted Living”. ENC’08 9th Mexican International Conference on Computer Science, Mexicali, Mexico. IEEE Computer Society Alamitos, Ca.
  • Hannon; Ball; Sánchez; Rinewalt (2007). “Summer Interuniversity Research: The Crescent Lab Experience”. ENC’07 8th Mexican International Conference on Computer Science, Morelia, Mexico. September, 2007. IEEE Computer Society Alamitos, Ca. Acknowledgment as collaborator.


Participation in Conferences, Seminars and Workshops


  • Seminar “Urgency, Emergencies and Disasters”. Guadalajara, Mexico (October 2011).
  • Seminar “Manufacturer Training for CALMIP users” dictated by Silicon Graphics International. Paul Sabatier University, France (March 2011).
  • Seminar “Business Innovation in Technology Enterprises” dictated by Mark Cavender. Chasm Institute. Guadalajara, Mexico (February 2006).
  • Dictate the Workshop “Natural Language Processing using ProLog” during the 7th International Computer Systems Congress, ITESM Campus Guadalajara (October 2005).
  • Attendance to the 6th International Computer Systems Congress, ITESM Campus Guadalajara (October 2004).
  • Participation in the Logistic Area in the 5th International Computer Systems Congress, ITESM Campus Guadalajara (October 2003).
  • Honorable Mention in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest Regionals, ITESM Campus Queretaro (November 2002).
  • Attendance to the 4th International Computer Systems Congress, ITESM Campus Guadalajara (October 2002).
Titulo Educativo: 